
Board Member Misconduct – 3 Resonant Cases

When founders first create a board of directors and begin holding their first meetings, they have a wide range of questions. As the business evolves, so do the processes associated with board member misconduct.

How to Perform Successful Board Management?

The process of preparing for the meeting of the Board of Directors and the subsequent information provision of all interested parties are associated with a thorough collection of information from various sources. These routine procedures are necessary to ensure that top managers on the Board of Directors can work productively and comfortably without being distracted by paperwork and additional consultations. The quality and efficiency of providing information to Council members depend on how well the processes are automated.

The legislation does not define the concepts of “good faith” and “reasonableness.” In the Code of Corporate Conduct, the obligation of a member of the board of directors to act in the public interest in good faith and reasonably implies that in exercising his rights and performing his duties, he must exercise the care and discretion that should be expected from a good leader in a similar situation under similar circumstances. To describe the board member misconducts, it is important to highlight the main objectives of the evaluation of the board of directors:

  • make sure that the board of directors does not exist formally but is working;
  • check that the functioning board of directors is properly configured, well-functioning, functioning in accordance with the principles of “best practice” of corporate governance;
  • turn a functioning board of directors into an effective body of the corporate governance system;
  • for structured communication between the shareholder and top management of the company and a clear division of roles between them;
  • to balance interests, expectations, and development paths in a situation where there are several owners in a business.

The chairman of the board of directors of the company organizes its work, convenes meetings of the board of directors of the company and presides over them, organizes the keeping of minutes at meetings, signs on behalf of the company an employment contract with the general director – chairman of the board of the company. Strategic planning is difficult both because of the high speed of change and because of the inertia of public administration, but it is what government organizations, in the broadest sense, need right now – from individual departments to the authorities of entire regions.

The Best Way to Avoiding Board Member Misconduct: Three Resonant Cases

Often, managers already initially divide subordinates into “their own” and “not their own.” A new employee is “diagnosed” on average in the first five days. Those who fall into the first group get more freedom of action; they are forgiven for many mistakes and rewarded for a job well done. Those who are identified in the second become victims of the so-called set-to-fail syndrome. Most often, it manifests itself after the employee makes the first mistake: the boss immediately labels him as a weak performer, begins to tightly control his every action, and reacts to the slightest mistakes.

Among the three most common resonant cases of the board member misconduct are:

  1. Serious Infractions by Board Directors.
  2. Failure to Meet Fiduciary Duties.
  3. Overstepping the Threshold for Lobbying and Political Activities.